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11 Apr 2023

'A Full Immersion London to Brighton Baptism'

In November 2022, Tracy Lesher and her husband Jeff travelled to the UK from the USA to take part in the RM Sotheby's London to Brighton Veteran Car Run on board 'Annie' - John Biggs' 1904 Ford Model A. Tracy and Jeff are heavily involved in the organisation of the Horseless Carriage Club of America (HCCA), with Tracy the Editor of the club's splendid magazine, the Horseless Carriage Gazette. This was Tracy's first trip to England - and, therefore, her first London to Brighton Run - and she has produced a superb feature which really encapsulates the whole event. We are enormously grateful that the HCCA has given us permission to reproduce the article here for you to enjoy.

You can read the feature below, or click here to download the PDF.






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